Saturday, August 31, 2019

Only God has the right to interfere with our genes

Our genes are the sequence of DNA or genetic codes that determine our characteristics. So by changing our genetics we must be effectively changing our characteristics and ultimately ourselves. Is this simply medical care that is no different from taking everyday medicine like antibiotics? Or are we inauspiciously playing God and immorally defying nature in order to safeguard our species? In my opinion scientific progress is enabling lives to be saved and a loving God would not condemn this. A religious person may look at different aspects of genetic engineering and thus hold a different view. Genetic engineering in humans is the development or manipulation of genes used to prevent disease and disabilities. Genetic diseases are serious and affect a vast number of people. Diseases or ‘genetic disorders' like Huntington's, Sickle -cell anaemia, muscular dystrophy and cystic fibrosis can cause mental retardation, physical deformity or early death. Research into genes and genetic engineering can help prevent these problems and is surely ethical and not immoral. Most genetic research is based on germline therapy that enables genetic changes to the cells carrying the disorder from generation to generation. This means that permanent changes can be made in the person's genetic code that prevents the transmission of these cells. So the person's genes have been changed, they are not the exact same person they were in terms of the constitution of their cells and their potential child's character has been altered. Does this mean God's work in creating the person and their eventual children will have been undone? Surely if the genetic disorder has been reduced or removed then God's work needed was rightly improved. More recent progress means that we can grow healthy cells to replace the malfunctioning ones and so cure disease in that person. This process involves creating stem cells. Either from embryos that were produced by IVF but not used, or from adult bone marrow or blood. The stem cells are kept alive so they can multiply and be transplanted into diseased cells to produce a cure. Stem cell research was banned In the UK because the Human Fertilisation and Embryology act said that the technology could only be used to treat infertility. I consider this an absurdity that this morally debateable technology was permitted to treat infertility but not to cure disease! Surely saving life is as important as creating it. This I think was realised by the government and in 2001 the research was permitted. So should this research be allowed or should stand idly by while people who could potentially be cured are suffering from the diseases and problems above and not uncommonly dying painful deaths. It is clear that I agree with the government's decision, along with a number of non-religious and religious people for a number of reasons. It offers the prospect of cures for currently incurable diseases and gives those suffering a glimmer of hope. Non-religious people argue stem cell cloning would only use embryos until it was easier to use the adult cells. Genetic research is an integral part of medicine research and is bound to include some genetic engineering. All genetic research is closely monitored by the law and so will not directly oppose religious morals but also has vast potential benefits. There are many non-religious people who would counter argue that genetic engineering has too little information about the long term consequences. They say that it should not take place because the effects are irreversible. This means that should anything go wrong the damage would be permanent. Knowledge is power and people argue genetic engineering gives vast amounts of power to the scientists who could, they say, could act in a malevolent way to create scientifically produced human beings. This power is almost godly and is too excessive for the scientists to have. These scientific processes treat humans no different from commodities like plants. The research and advances could grow to the extent that they introduce the possibility of people having to be genetically screened before getting life insurance or even jobs. Then a Gattaca like situation becomes imminent where anyone likely to develop illness or dir young would be refused the insurance, the job and would be denied a range of opportunities. Although these arguments are perhaps extravagant they are possibilities and the potential of scientific progress could have inhumane consequences. Religions recognise that in the modern world they must deal with issues like genetic engineering and amongst them there are different views of weather we, as humans, have the right to interfere with our own genes. Christianity is not harmogenous and so within it there are different attitudes towards genetic engineering. It is mainly the more liberal protestant Christians who think that genetic engineering is a good thing and see the positive aspects like the potential curing of disease and the negative, which would be the potential creation of artificially produced ‘perfect humans'. There are religious reasons why these Christians support this scientific research and action. Jesus was a healer who showed that Christians should do what they can to heal and help healers and to cure disease. They believe that as humans we stewards on God's earth and by discovering the genetic make up of humans in order to help improve human life is fulfilling this stewardship. They believe that this is no different from researching medicine that can improve human life and reduce suffering. Regarding the potential of this technology getting out have hand, these Christians believe that creating cells is very different from creating people. Creating people via science rather than through sex would be wrong because as it would be taking over ‘God's creator of life role', but creating cells is working with God. As far as â€Å"killing† embryos for the genetic research is concerned; an embryo is not considered human life until it is 14 days old (This is then the time limit set by the Human Fertilisation and embryology authority for genetic research. ). They also use some of the non-religious arguments to support genetic engineering. It is mainly the Roman Catholics who believe that that genetic engineering is okay under certain circumstances. As long as the technology is for work into curing diseases and does not use human embryos it is permissible. The reason they condemn the use of embryos is because they believe that life begins at conception, whether in a womb or a glass dish. Killing an embryo is killing a human life and is immoral and banned in the Decalogue. Some Christian are opposed to any kind of genetic research because they believe God has created the genetic make up of each human at the moment of conception and people have no right to interfere with God's will. Genetic engineering means ‘playing' God and by doing this we are defying him which is a terrible sin. They believe we are doing wrong by trying to create a perfect world, as only heaven is perfect. Many Christians believe that all humans should be living their â€Å"normal† lives† in accordance with ‘natural' law (Aquinas) and that only God has the right to interfere with the natural genetic make up of all humans. They also feel that when creating artificially â€Å"perfect humans† we are not thinking about the people that are being produced. A scientifically created person will have no biological parents and many feel that what we are giving the child genetically, we are taking spiritually. These little ‘genetic miracles' will be lacking in spirit. This idea is well portrayed in the film Gattaca. The Christians against genetic engineering would also use the non-religious arguments against it. Islam is another religion trying to decipher between where the lines are in ethics of medical issues such as genetic engineering. Islam is usually in agreement over issues like this however there are two different Muslim attitudes to Genetic engineering. Some Muslims believe that the genetic make up of all human's has been established by God and so therefore human's artificially altering genes would be and attempt to ‘play God' which is absolutely an unacceptable sin, shirk the greatest Muslim sin. They also believe that using human embryos in research is abortion as they believe life begins at fertilisation and therefore do not agree with this kind of genetic research. They believe scientists who are trying to create life from stem cells are trying to play God a so this is also shirk. These Muslims also accept the non-religious arguments against genetic engineering. Other Muslims hold a similar view to Catholics, that genetic engineering is only good to an extent. As long as it is being to done in an effort to cure disease and not producing humans by scientific means. These Muslims support genetic engineering firstly because the Qu'ran and the Hadith teach that Muslims should do everything in their power to prevent diseases and improve human's lives. In the way that some Christians believe in stewardship, these Muslims believe that humans should work as vice-gerents in hiding and supporting lives. This no different from researching medicine that will help improve lives and reduce suffering. These Muslims also believe there is a difference between creating cells and creating people and that creating cells is working with God. They also consider that embryos can be used for research up until they are 14 days old, this is when the human life begins according to teachings of the Shari'ah. It is very difficult to foresee if the potential good of genetic engineering and ‘interfering with genes' outweighs the potential bad and whether it is ethical in it's current state of research. I think that at the moment we have a very good idea of what the positive effects of ‘interfering with our genes' would be. It could cure diseases and prevent them from being passed on to generation after generation. The negative effects are slightly unclear. Will we end up producing genetically modified â€Å"perfect humans† who are lacking in will and spirit through no fault of their own? Is producing humans without sex wrong even? Is it against the will of God? Personally I think that the these questions go unanswered by the critics of genetic engineering who do not have plausible enough arguments to stop the research into curing disease and saving human life.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Marketing Analysis

As part of a multinational marketing policy, in this cases for Enshrines, the term local marketing means specific marketing actions and appropriate at the scale and geographical particularities of each potential market. Whether international or local marketing they are based on the same concepts. But, at an international level, the marketing approach is more difficult and we have to consider more important points. At an international level, we must learn more about culture and differences between each cultures to avoid cross-cultural risk for example.We can summarized that the international arresting differs from domestic marketing in that we have to take care about more facts like socio-cultural particularities or figures. Then, international marketing is more difficult to understand than marketing at a local level. To fix more at the expectations of customers, companies can do a global marketing strategy which is a marketing concepts of a global strategy with local adaptations. In this cases, Enshrines do a global marketing. Marketing concepts & approaches A marketing strategy firm is a step of reflection and study with the goal of being as close to matching demand and supply.This approach is in the heart of the strategy of the firm. The goal for the company is to focus on increasing revenues, market share and customers by constantly differentiation, adjustment of supply solvent and increasing economies of scale. This process takes place in three steps : the segmentation, targeting and positioning which is corresponding to the three phases S. T. P (Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning) of the Framework of Dawn Jacobin. Ð’Â « up Ð’Â » Here, the Ð’Â « UP present correspond at the conceptions approaches of the Enshrines to its market. Price : For the France market, Enshrines have large range of price.Count 1 79 to 1800? for a machine. For the pod, they cost approximately 0,35? per pod which is less than a coffee in a traditional coffee shop but more ex pensive than a coffee in filter. The do differentiation by premium but often, they put promotion offers on machine, in Christmas time for example. Product : They have a large range of product. Each range count 3 – 6 machine per range, all design, refine and modern. Enshrines apply a luxury policy for each product. For the pod, Enshrines do a color code, to facilitate for the client to recognize their favorite coffee.Also Nestle sell Ð’Â « must-have Ð’Â », all print Enshrines Ð’Â » like cups, sugars, gift boxes†¦ Promotion : For their communication policy they inspirited by luxury brand. Enshrines do also a large communication and a restricted distribution which reduce the price sensibility of customers. Enshrines are innovative also because they create event and they were first at launch with mobile marketing Enshrines have a strong advertising policy. They spend MM? per year and MM? just for France which represent 20% of their turnover.In 2006 they launch th e Ð’Â « saga Clooney Ð’Â » with the famous slogan Ð’Â « What Else Ð’Â ». With this strategy of personalization, they improve their brand's image, conquer synod impious of coffee excellence. In internet : MM link about Enshrines in Google, KICK visit on the official website and nearly MM faceable fans. Place : Enshrines select precisely their resellers. They sell in Enshrines shop, on the internet. Moreover, in France Enshrines have choose larges specialized store like Fauna or Ballooner, large Ð’Â « premium Ð’Â » store like Galleria Lafayette, Culinary.They also do mail order selling with La Reroute or Less 3 cuisses. Segmentations, Targeting & Positioning Segmenting a market is a marketing technique that involves subdividing a market according to various criteria. The next step is to create a representation of a group of consumers sharing some common criteria that can be geographical, psychological, ethnic, cue Trial, demographic The goal is to then define a product so to make it attractive to a consumer group. Subgroups must be defined and identified to be measurable, homogeneous, substantial, relevant and attainable.Targeting is to choose the segment or segments of a population (see segmentation) likely to buy a product. This phase allows for an assessment of he relative attractiveness of each segment for the product or service. Ultimately, this allows the company to choose what(s) segment(s) can be targeted based on its products, and depending on the expected profitability. At first,the positioning it is to identify the specificity of a company, a brand, a product or service that allow differentiation with the competition.In a second step, the positioning is to define the nature and specific features that you want to provide the product, brand or company to differentiate themselves in the market. The positioning differentiation allows a product to be perceived s one by a group of consumers (see segmentation). For Enshrines, they app ly the same segmentations, targeting and positioning ATA local level and at an international level. They are working on the coffee market especially in the coffee in pods. Then, they are concentrated on the segment of coffee in capsule specifically in a premium segment.This is a niche positioning. For this, Enshrines target their customer about : socio-economic criteria, about their income, specifically on middle to upper class (SSP+). And Enshrines target also by cryptographic criteria, people who are attract by new technologies. Often this kind of customers are concerned about quality and design seduction. About the age, Enshrines focus on the segment 30 to 50 years old. At the beginning they start on BIB market but it was a fail then they repositioning on a BBC market.Customer acquisition Thanks to their particular knowledge on marketing, they try to make the coffee, which is at the beginning, a current product a luxury product. For this, they convince the potential customer to i nvest in a Newspaper's machine to be an active member of Ð’Â « club Enshrines Enshrines want also to offer at customer's an professional express at home without the big tradition anal ND expansive machine. Thanks to their innovation, Enshrines can propose a real express at a small price. They attract their customer to with a large and famous promotion on media like TV advert or sponsoring.Customer retention Indeed, the brand managed to create a combined product offering, which involves the initial and only purchase of equipment , followed by its regular purchase refills for it to continue to operate. Strategy & future trends About the strategy, Enshrines is a very good example of a strong understanding of the market and future trends. In spite of many competitors Taoism, Senses, etc) They are leader of pods coffee market, in machine innovation and customer's fidelity. Thanks to the steady increase of the segment in portion's coffee market, they can apply a differentiation and an innovation policy.To difference themselves about competitors they made for example Ð’Â « grand crush which are an exception anal coffee, they created ingenious machine with sweet design and developed an unique client service. Moreover, they work on an exclusive distribution (in closed circuit). The distribution of sales are made 50% on internet, 25% by phone and 25% in shops. They have their own network for the distribution implying that reduce of cost, fast of launch but it restraint the market and demanded heavy investments.But to avoid problems, Enshrines have signed a co-branding contract (Usurps/Magic) which involve a selective distribution in France for example. For their BIB, they created NBC (Enshrines Business Coffee Solutions) to help and customize at best Bib's services. P Estes Politic : Enshrines wish to fight against all pollution's form and they try to develop CEO-responsibility in customer's behavior. Economic : Coffee sell are decreasing but segment valor of th is market still increase (+3,6 n 2009) Increase of market valor in pod segment Enshrines have a lot of competitors like Taoism or Sense. The price of raw materials still increasing.They have also a strong Ð’Â « concurrence Ð’Â » of substitute in hot drink like the thee or milk which, for example, is a strong danger in Asian country because they prefer thee as coffee. Increase also of price consumption which involve lower coffee consumption because of the increasing of coffee price. Social : Coffee is the most consume drink with a high social valor symbol of social integrity. For several years, we can see an emergence of the monadic market, tit the implantation's of many Struck for example. Mode of consumption are also changing : people take more and more care about gustatory pleasure.Nowadays time of meal is reduce and more and more people are force to adopt a fast lifestyle. A tendency for individualism which is link the 1 pod systems of Enshrines. The traffic coffee is the leader in the market and its also the customer's preference. There is also a growing awareness of the customers for production methods and processes. Technological . Enshrines make constant innovation (at pods level or machine level) which is strong advantage between the competitors. Nowadays, Internet service providers are still increasing and an increase of the access internet involve the increase Of the segment Of online shopping.Ecologic : Customers are more and more sensible about sustainable development and about protection of the environment. We can see also an exponential wave of consumption of organic products and ethically produced product. Legal : Nowadays more and more patent are submitted. The patent which protected the pods fell in the public domain in 201 2 which open the market at the competition. In France for example, rules about laity of coffee consume are voted like in October 2001, the French minister for a decree about sells of coffee, the packaging and the co mposition of the coffee. Marketing Analysis The company that is going to be analyzed in the report is Nestle with its brand Nescafe. Thus, the industry is consumer goods, the product instant coffee. The two core areas chosen for the analysis are market segmentation and targeting and promotion. Market segmentation and targeting. In the major part coffee is usually preferred by both male and female at the age of   20 to 45 approximately. Children are usually not allowed to drink much coffee, since caffeine is believed to provoke special hyper reaction. Older people, in turn, are trying to avoid coffee because at this age they are taking special care for their health. Thus, the typical segmentation in the sector can be represented in the following way: Demographic characteristics: men and women from 20 to 45; single/married/married with children; elderly people who prefer decaffeinated coffee. Economic: low, middle and premium segments; Consumption habits: regular buyers, random buyers; those who prefer to drink coffee at coffee bars/ those who prefer to drink coffee at home / those who prefer take-outs; those who prefer to drink coffee alone/ in a company; Psychographical characteristics: people who lead active style of life/passive style of life; people who prefer status/price/taste/convenience; businessmen/students/working people. (Cateora, 1990, p.116) Thus, it is obvious that market segmentation is follows four major criteria in order to distinguish certain groups and clusters. Nestle’s segmentation is quite thorough what helps the company to understand the needs of each separate group and satisfy those needs in the best possible way. Moreover, thorough segmentation allows the company to focus on specific segments, or simply saying to distinguish target segments. Thus, Nestle’s â€Å"Nescafe† target segments are: 1. Married and married with children people who prefer to drink coffee alone at home and buy instant coffee on a regular basis. It is caused by the fact that those people are oftentimes busy and they do not have time to brew their coffee. Moreover, those who have children usually face the problem that if they leave the coffee in the coffee machine, their children might tempt to drink it. Moreover, oftentimes there is too much coffee left in the coffee machine, which means the unnecessary waste. Yet, if you leave, it is going to be not fresh. Englishmen, however, prefer only fresh coffee. 2. Students who simply do not have coffee machines and prefer instantaneous coffee, which they can easily make at any given time. Generally, the main target segment of Nescafe are people with high or more than average income. Moreover, it is important to notice that Nestle targets younger audience. That is why , it is very important for the company with such a strong brand as Nescafe to distinguish the core values for this type of customers. Such values are individuality, independence, pleasure, self-confidence. Thus, the brand is positioned as the one, which has extraordinary taste that you want to enjoy every day. Promotion. Segmentation and targeting are preliminary stages that allow the company to understand what tools of promotion will be the most effective for the given brand. In our case, Nestle uses various tools of promotion. Large-scale advertising. Nescafe is advertised using a wide range of different media – TV, radio, printed media and Internet. Corporate site and brand site are believed to be an excellent tool of promotion, as it can host a good deal of detailed information about the brand. In fact, Nescafe has its own web-site separate from the site of the producer Nestle. Nescafe site was created in order to give its target audience ampful information about the product and the brand in particular. Moreover, the company believes TV commercial as an excellent method to keep brand awareness and brand recognition about the brand on the highest level. The key message that is being delivered is that Nescafe is a wonderful taste that needs to be enjoyed and enjoyed. Global commercial portraying woman in a peculiar garment trying to become unnoticed by her husband to be able to enjoy Nescafe alone is the best proof of that. Thus, we can see that brand managers of Nescafe are emphasizing physical qualities of the product, specifically its taste. Publicity. Publicity is achieved by creating different kinds of informational grounds. It can be sponsorship of certain events that are covered by different types of media. It can be informational articles discussing the problem of coffee-drinking. It can also be different special events that are also covered in media.   For instance, in 2004 in England there was a contest the winners of which could experience a luxury balloon flight and stay in the country hotel house. The event was transmitted via TV. This was a great informational ground and thus the cause of publicity. The main message that is delivered via publicity is that Nescafe is a reliable trustworthy and responsible brand. Thus, drinking Nescafe one can be sure of its exceptional quality. In other words, publicity is aimed to ensure good reputation of Nescafe and ultimately to form a strong brand loyalty of customers. Sales promotion. Especially popular are different contests and point of sale promotion, where the company used sampling to enhance brand awareness, to increase the level of initial ties and stimulate people to experience the taste of Nescafe. For instance, a lot of corporate Nescafe mugs are constantly given with the purchase of certain brand products. Moreover, special place is given to merchandising, as the company recognizes the importance of the fact that the product should be very appealing while being on the shelf, especially it concerns the instant coffee in bags, which is usually purchased at the very last minute. So, it is important that it is situated closer to the cash register In such a way, brand promotion that used by the company is based on the variety of tools. Moreover, it is important to keep in mind that those tools should be congruent with the target segments. Target segments, in turn, might be distinguished only as the result of thorough market segmentation using as many criteria, as possible.   Nestle makes emphasis on advertising, different PR activities (sponsorship, special events, publicity), and sales promotion. References Applbaum K. â€Å"The Marketing Era† Routledge, New York, 2004 Brown S. â€Å"Imagining Marketing: Art, aesthetics and the avant-garde† Routledge, London, 2000 Cateora P. †International Marketing†, 7th ed. Irwin, Homewood, IL, 1990 Laforet S. (1999)  «Managing Brand Portfolios: Why Leaders Do What They Do† In Journal of Advertising Research, vol.39, p.23 Parsons A. (1996) â€Å"Nestle; The visions of local managers† In The McKinsey Quarterly, no.2, pp.21-22 Nescafe official web site. Nestle’s official web site. Marketing Analysis As part of a multinational marketing policy, in this cases for Enshrines, the term local marketing means specific marketing actions and appropriate at the scale and geographical particularities of each potential market. Whether international or local marketing they are based on the same concepts. But, at an international level, the marketing approach is more difficult and we have to consider more important points. At an international level, we must learn more about culture and differences between each cultures to avoid cross-cultural risk for example.We can summarized that the international arresting differs from domestic marketing in that we have to take care about more facts like socio-cultural particularities or figures. Then, international marketing is more difficult to understand than marketing at a local level. To fix more at the expectations of customers, companies can do a global marketing strategy which is a marketing concepts of a global strategy with local adaptations. In this cases, Enshrines do a global marketing. Marketing concepts & approaches A marketing strategy firm is a step of reflection and study with the goal of being as close to matching demand and supply.This approach is in the heart of the strategy of the firm. The goal for the company is to focus on increasing revenues, market share and customers by constantly differentiation, adjustment of supply solvent and increasing economies of scale. This process takes place in three steps : the segmentation, targeting and positioning which is corresponding to the three phases S. T. P (Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning) of the Framework of Dawn Jacobin. Ð’Â « up Ð’Â » Here, the Ð’Â « UP present correspond at the conceptions approaches of the Enshrines to its market. Price : For the France market, Enshrines have large range of price.Count 1 79 to 1800? for a machine. For the pod, they cost approximately 0,35? per pod which is less than a coffee in a traditional coffee shop but more ex pensive than a coffee in filter. The do differentiation by premium but often, they put promotion offers on machine, in Christmas time for example. Product : They have a large range of product. Each range count 3 – 6 machine per range, all design, refine and modern. Enshrines apply a luxury policy for each product. For the pod, Enshrines do a color code, to facilitate for the client to recognize their favorite coffee.Also Nestle sell Ð’Â « must-have Ð’Â », all print Enshrines Ð’Â » like cups, sugars, gift boxes†¦ Promotion : For their communication policy they inspirited by luxury brand. Enshrines do also a large communication and a restricted distribution which reduce the price sensibility of customers. Enshrines are innovative also because they create event and they were first at launch with mobile marketing Enshrines have a strong advertising policy. They spend MM? per year and MM? just for France which represent 20% of their turnover.In 2006 they launch th e Ð’Â « saga Clooney Ð’Â » with the famous slogan Ð’Â « What Else Ð’Â ». With this strategy of personalization, they improve their brand's image, conquer synod impious of coffee excellence. In internet : MM link about Enshrines in Google, KICK visit on the official website and nearly MM faceable fans. Place : Enshrines select precisely their resellers. They sell in Enshrines shop, on the internet. Moreover, in France Enshrines have choose larges specialized store like Fauna or Ballooner, large Ð’Â « premium Ð’Â » store like Galleria Lafayette, Culinary.They also do mail order selling with La Reroute or Less 3 cuisses. Segmentations, Targeting & Positioning Segmenting a market is a marketing technique that involves subdividing a market according to various criteria. The next step is to create a representation of a group of consumers sharing some common criteria that can be geographical, psychological, ethnic, cue Trial, demographic The goal is to then define a product so to make it attractive to a consumer group. Subgroups must be defined and identified to be measurable, homogeneous, substantial, relevant and attainable.Targeting is to choose the segment or segments of a population (see segmentation) likely to buy a product. This phase allows for an assessment of he relative attractiveness of each segment for the product or service. Ultimately, this allows the company to choose what(s) segment(s) can be targeted based on its products, and depending on the expected profitability. At first,the positioning it is to identify the specificity of a company, a brand, a product or service that allow differentiation with the competition.In a second step, the positioning is to define the nature and specific features that you want to provide the product, brand or company to differentiate themselves in the market. The positioning differentiation allows a product to be perceived s one by a group of consumers (see segmentation). For Enshrines, they app ly the same segmentations, targeting and positioning ATA local level and at an international level. They are working on the coffee market especially in the coffee in pods. Then, they are concentrated on the segment of coffee in capsule specifically in a premium segment.This is a niche positioning. For this, Enshrines target their customer about : socio-economic criteria, about their income, specifically on middle to upper class (SSP+). And Enshrines target also by cryptographic criteria, people who are attract by new technologies. Often this kind of customers are concerned about quality and design seduction. About the age, Enshrines focus on the segment 30 to 50 years old. At the beginning they start on BIB market but it was a fail then they repositioning on a BBC market.Customer acquisition Thanks to their particular knowledge on marketing, they try to make the coffee, which is at the beginning, a current product a luxury product. For this, they convince the potential customer to i nvest in a Newspaper's machine to be an active member of Ð’Â « club Enshrines Enshrines want also to offer at customer's an professional express at home without the big tradition anal ND expansive machine. Thanks to their innovation, Enshrines can propose a real express at a small price. They attract their customer to with a large and famous promotion on media like TV advert or sponsoring.Customer retention Indeed, the brand managed to create a combined product offering, which involves the initial and only purchase of equipment , followed by its regular purchase refills for it to continue to operate. Strategy & future trends About the strategy, Enshrines is a very good example of a strong understanding of the market and future trends. In spite of many competitors Taoism, Senses, etc) They are leader of pods coffee market, in machine innovation and customer's fidelity. Thanks to the steady increase of the segment in portion's coffee market, they can apply a differentiation and an innovation policy.To difference themselves about competitors they made for example Ð’Â « grand crush which are an exception anal coffee, they created ingenious machine with sweet design and developed an unique client service. Moreover, they work on an exclusive distribution (in closed circuit). The distribution of sales are made 50% on internet, 25% by phone and 25% in shops. They have their own network for the distribution implying that reduce of cost, fast of launch but it restraint the market and demanded heavy investments.But to avoid problems, Enshrines have signed a co-branding contract (Usurps/Magic) which involve a selective distribution in France for example. For their BIB, they created NBC (Enshrines Business Coffee Solutions) to help and customize at best Bib's services. P Estes Politic : Enshrines wish to fight against all pollution's form and they try to develop CEO-responsibility in customer's behavior. Economic : Coffee sell are decreasing but segment valor of th is market still increase (+3,6 n 2009) Increase of market valor in pod segment Enshrines have a lot of competitors like Taoism or Sense. The price of raw materials still increasing.They have also a strong Ð’Â « concurrence Ð’Â » of substitute in hot drink like the thee or milk which, for example, is a strong danger in Asian country because they prefer thee as coffee. Increase also of price consumption which involve lower coffee consumption because of the increasing of coffee price. Social : Coffee is the most consume drink with a high social valor symbol of social integrity. For several years, we can see an emergence of the monadic market, tit the implantation's of many Struck for example. Mode of consumption are also changing : people take more and more care about gustatory pleasure.Nowadays time of meal is reduce and more and more people are force to adopt a fast lifestyle. A tendency for individualism which is link the 1 pod systems of Enshrines. The traffic coffee is the leader in the market and its also the customer's preference. There is also a growing awareness of the customers for production methods and processes. Technological . Enshrines make constant innovation (at pods level or machine level) which is strong advantage between the competitors. Nowadays, Internet service providers are still increasing and an increase of the access internet involve the increase Of the segment Of online shopping.Ecologic : Customers are more and more sensible about sustainable development and about protection of the environment. We can see also an exponential wave of consumption of organic products and ethically produced product. Legal : Nowadays more and more patent are submitted. The patent which protected the pods fell in the public domain in 201 2 which open the market at the competition. In France for example, rules about laity of coffee consume are voted like in October 2001, the French minister for a decree about sells of coffee, the packaging and the co mposition of the coffee.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Application Letter Essay

I am writing to apply for the job of camp monitor at your residential summer camp advertised on your website. As requested I am enclosing my C.V. and all the certifications and references. I am a language student at the Official Language School (EOI) of Gandia. I have a good level of English, both written and spoken, therefore I can speak English very fluently. I also speak Spanish as my first language and German at Basic level. As you will see from my CV I have some relevant experience working with children as I have worked as a manager in a youth football team for two years, I also have worked teaching children how to swim, so I am used to work with them and prepare physical activities or games specially for them. I believe I would be suitable for the job advertised as, apart from my experience, I am a cheerful person who gets on well with children and enjoys working with them, I am very good working in a team and not only I can teach them how to swim, play football, and other sports or games, I also know some useful survival skills I can teach in an entertaining way, so they can learn while having fun. I attach a full CV, and if you require any further information, I would be happy to provide it. I can be reached anytime via email at

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The effects of the titanic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The effects of the titanic - Essay Example The Titanic had enough lifeboats for first and second class passengers, but not for steerage. So the poor passengers almost all drowned, while the rich passengers mostly survived. Titanic carried 20 lifeboats, enough for 1178 people. The existing Board of Trade required a passenger ship to provide lifeboat capacity for 1060 people. Titanic's lifeboats were situated on the top deck. The boat was designed to carry 32 lifeboats but this number was reduced to 20 because it was felt that the deck would be too cluttered and thus pose an inconvenience to the first class passengers whom enjoyed strolling the deck. On a luxury ship, lifeboats for everyone would mean less room for games and sports on the upper decks. Passengers would have had to give up play areas for lifeboats (Lord, Lives On 85). White Star line tragically sacrificed safety for luxury. The question remains whether or not first and second class passengers received preference on the lifeboats. The White Star line claims there was no distinction between the three classes of passengers, however, only 25 percent of third class passengers were saved compared to 53 percent of first and second class passengers. The White Star line explained that third class passengers were more reluctant to leave the ship and they did not want to part from their belongings.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Justice in the United Arab Emirates (law enforcement ) Research Paper

Justice in the United Arab Emirates (law enforcement ) - Research Paper Example However, the norms related to compliance, accountability and justice are more or less uniform despite the differences. Factors such as independence, transparency of the regulating bodies, negligence and abuse by officials responsible for ensuring justice, etc., play a key role in determining the success or failure of the law enforcement systems. This paper on justice in the United Arab Emirates discusses the status and composition of law enforcement in the region and compares the same with the United States. â€Å"Our system of government does not derive its authority from man, but is enshrined in our religion, and is based on Gods book, the Holy Quran. ... its teachings are eternal and complete, while the systems conjured up by man are transitory and incomplete.† Islam is an official religion in the UAE and holds a position of key importance within its constitution. Religion in the U.A.E., holds significant jurisprudence in the middle eastern states and the Sharia Law is the key basis of legal legislations in the middle east. The criminal justice system in the U.A.E., is composed of a two-fold regime which includes the Sharia Law - governed by Islamic legal doctrines and is based on the Holy Quran; the sayings of Prophet Mohammed (known as the Hadith); the juristic consensus arrived at by prominent religious scholars i.e. the Ulema; and the method of reasoning by analogy i.e. the Qiyas. The civil justice system on the other hand, is governed by concepts and ideologies on criminal law derived from the western world (Mostyn, 1982). The Sharia law is mostly applied to matters of personal concern and only the citizens are covered under this law, i.e. the punishments under this law are applicable to the citizens of the U.A.E., while expats and foreigners are referred to and dealt with under the criminal justice system which applies concepts and ideologies derived from western legal laws. The legal system in the U.A.E. is based on its constitution

Feature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Feature - Essay Example Regenerative braking is the technology where the friction energy from braking physical systems such as elevators going down are captured and converted to usable energy, in this case electricity that can then be used to power the elevator system and to supply the electricity needs of the immediate floors and areas within the building. This regenerative braking feature of the elevators is attributed to the technology work of Kone, the provider of the elevator system to the Bullitt Center. The placement of the elevators and the provision of stairs add to the energy efficiency of those elevators because such limit the use of the elevators themselves. Moreover, by design, the elevators are 60 percent more power efficient than regular elevators used in other buildings. All these add to maximum energy efficiency and electricity savings for the Bullitt Center, while at the same time making sure that those who do need the elevator system, such as the disabled, are able to access the elevator systems conveniently. This feature adds further to the overall energy efficiency of the building and the regenerative braking adds to the electricity sources of the building, apart from the solar panels installed on the roof (Hanscom; EarthFixMedia; Bullitt

Monday, August 26, 2019

The use of cigarettes as an accessory in fashion images Essay

The use of cigarettes as an accessory in fashion images - Essay Example The essay "The use of cigarettes as an accessory in fashion images" discusses the use of cigarettes in the images of fashion. This was done through the clever slogans that were used such as â€Å"There are many reasons to smoke now,† â€Å"We make Virginia Slims especially for women because they are biologically superior to men† and â€Å"You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby.† It was also done through the use of glamorous-looking women and Hollywood stars seen smoking in the advertisements and in newsreels or films. Women wanting to associate themselves with these ideas of desirability, independence or needed a means of gaining better control over their emotions would take to smoking because they were mimicking the activities of the famous people they see through these media representations. To see how this works, it is helpful to examine how cigarettes have appeared in non-cigarette-related advertising and reinforced these ideas. Cigarettes started appearing in a dvertisements early on as a means of emphasizing the self-reliance and desirability of the female individual. Several examples of this can be found in the images collected in Farid Chenoune’s collection of lingerie images Hidden Femininity. One such example is the following image taken in the early 1900s. This black and white vintage photograph depicts a curvaceous woman in a lacy black teddy with high-cut ‘French’ style legs and a low-cut front that blouses mostly open over her chest. This cut emphasizes the curve of her hips and suggests the curves of her breasts.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Perfume Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Perfume - Essay Example Since then perfumes are widely applied in various settings of the sphere. Their role is enormous, ranging from the individual respective, as a consumer learning tool, in mood therapy, in foods, detergents among others (Bennett 49). The broad application of perfumes triggered the researcher to explore their relevance in determining the attitudes of the human organism. The survey used both survey and literature review. The literature review was employed to assist in ascertaining the gap that exists in the study of perfumes and how they elicit moods in humans. Further, the deduction of the literature was vital in determining the current state of affairs, its theories and the developments in the sector. The synthesis of the literature reveals that humans are wired in a way that their sense of smell leads them to automatic approach-avoidance Responses inclusive of general attitudes, emotion and actions. The resultant responses are either positive or negative. Human being search for pleasurable experiences, and they always aim to avoid any painful or negative experiences as per nature. Based on the categorization theory, the study realized that it is possible to break pleasures into forms involving sensory, emotional and social traits (Porcherot 939). The review showed that emotional preferences typically stem from aesthetic stimulation. For instance, the smell of roses can remind one of a pleasant childhood, which arouses good moods in the individual. Sensory pleasances are the simplest forms to comprehend since they involve the pleasures created by sensory contact with outside stimuli. He further argues that Social pleasures arise from contact and interaction with peers. The experiences of persons can involve one form or a mix of the described pleasure types though in the end, individual summaries the experience as a memory that falls into a single

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The impact of the financial meltdown on the luxury fashion goods Dissertation

The impact of the financial meltdown on the luxury fashion goods market - Dissertation Example Be the epicenter of a financial crisis in any country like the United States, but its effect is felt in the other nations as well, quite similarly to the manner in which the global economic crisis of 2008 impacted the industrial sectors of the United Kingdom (Naude, 2009, p.19). The worldwide economic crisis of 2008 disturbed the basics of the luxury fashion commodities industry globally. To ride out the outburst, the, industry players countered to new user demands and, in the course, redefined the industry of luxury. There have been considerable changes and challenges faced by the luxury goods companies. The research would also include the case of a handbag designer in Paris, France, named Philippe Rousseau, who worked hard to push his business all through the crisis period. (Lauder Global Business Insight Report, 2010, p.9). Thus the rationale for the research is to understand the impact of the global financial crisis on the luxury fashion goods industry and analyze the way forward to online selling, which has been introduced by several luxury goods organizations as a new means of attracting consumers, in the recovering face of a global financial meltdown. 2) Literature Review: By the end of 2007, the world had penetrated into a recession or a financial meltdown the origin of which were mortgage and credit crisis, thereby leading to unemployment. Consumer confidence got destabilized, and this caused a cutback in the spending habits of the customers. The economic strain and the indecisive future also created a comprehensive change in the fashion industry leading to joblessness, curtails in expenses, termination plans for growth and development, or at times bankruptcies and closure of the business (Taylor & Weerapana, 2009, p.782). The luxury sector started facing saturation in the market with thinning demand. Sales of high finish fashion goods were confronted by the consumers’ inclination to explore and evaluate prices, and find thorough information bef ore buying. Designers started looking at partnerships with mass traders. Retailers and designers, in hunt of fresh clientele, pleaded to global apprehensions such as communally and environmentally accountable developed practice. It was by the end of the twentieth century that the industry started recovering and finding new ways of establishing their businesses again (Welters & Lillethun, 2011, p.111). Owing to the financial crisis, the middle class as well as many wealthy customers have been hit. Even those affluent groups who have not been individually affected by the crisis are changing their buying manners, a way of representatively taking part in the nationwide attempt and exhibiting harmony. In fact, the luxury sector gets more affected than other sectors by the consumers’ spending less on the products (Kapfere & Bastien, 2009). Philippe Roucou who is a handbag designer in Paris, has worked very hard to overcome the period of financial crisis. He started working for desi gner Gabrielle Cadet who designed hats and handbags, in 1988 and gradually became passionate for accessories  (philipperoucou, n.d.). His own business at present sells about 1500 handbags internationally per year. He is also involved in certain other businesses like a studio of his own. (Lauder Global Business Insight Report, 2010, p.9). In today’s world as a means of attracting more consumers, the fashion goods companies are coming up with online selling facilities for their customers (Caroll &

Friday, August 23, 2019

A critical analysis of the application of the doctrine of Essay

A critical analysis of the application of the doctrine of self-determination in the context of South Sudan with reference to the Naivasha agreement of 2005 - Essay Example Moreover, this issue is central to the efficacy of international law as a regulatory mechanism particularly in human rights issues as a gap between theory and practice clearly undermines the objectives of both customary international legal principles and UN Charter provisions.2 Directly correlated to this is the concept of â€Å"state† and â€Å"inter-state relations†, which in terms of individual human rights protections at international level has become a central issue particularly in context of rapid globalisation3. Furthermore, the complex notion of state and the role of ethnic groups within states have challenged colonial geographic boundaries of the state4. In turn, the changing nature of the global order in the post Cold War environment has created novel conflict scenarios and significantly reshaped the dynamics of conventional warfare5. This has challenged pre-existing international legal principles, which is highlighted by the problematic doctrine of self determination and its boundaries in international law6. The doctrine of self determination has remained contentious in international law as whilst the objective of the doctrine as expressed in the UN Charter 19457 was arguably triggered by the increasing desire for decolonisation; the practical consequences has often seen the doctrine of self determination being utilised to perpetuate conflict8. contextual reference to Southern Sudan and the 2005 Naivasha Agreement, which enables the Southern part of Sudan to vote on its legal status in a referendum in January 2011. It is submitted at the outset that the 2005 Naivasha agreement highlights the conflict between the subjective interpretation of the doctrine of self determination and legality under established international legal principles. Therefore, in evaluating the doctrine, Section 2 will consider the models of self determination and the legal basis for self determination. Section 3 will

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Explore the representation Essay Example for Free

Explore the representation Essay The stereotypical view of evil is shown through dark colours and beings such as the devil, these contrasts with murders and killings as shown in Jekyll and Hyde. In Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde the views on good and evil are shown through characters appearances, their behaviour, the modern standard of living and suppression; there are communicated by gothic horror. Throughout the story, there are references to light and dark which metaphorically relates to good vs. evil, not only between characters, but in the conflicting sides of the same character. At the setting of the play (Victorian era) Science had just been introduced into the Victorian era and was treated as unexplainable circumstances as little was known behind the theory of experiments. This caused for mystery in the Victorian era, thus making Jekyll and Hyde a more horrific and frightening novel. Stevenson had an obsession with the darker side of life and he relates to the character of Hyde by being a respectable man during the day but losing to his obsessions at night. Stevenson, can relate to his novel as he lived in Edinburgh, though in the more affluent area. The setting of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is London but it was based on Edinburgh with the contrast of two sides of poor and rich. In this essay, I will explore how evil is represented in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde in the Victorian era. At this time, crime was extremely high in the poorer areas which lead people, in desperation to make a living, to involve themselves in crimes (murder, rape, prostitution ). The Victorian era was host to many notorious murders such as Jack the Ripper, who, as seen stereotypically was never identified. The murder knew his way around the human body showing a sign of education thus having as he appeared to have a great anatomical knowledge, hence making him a respectable man by day and a butcher by night. This may have greatly influenced Stevenson, with the magnificent degree of mystery surrounding the case, it may have given rise to thoughts on how to a great, mysterious villain may operate, fuelling Stevensons imagination. Dr. Jekyll was an intelligent man with scientific knowledge, but his reflection; Mr. Hyde was a violent crook. Smog was extremely thick London due to the highly populated industrial farms, causing for the environment to be covered. This made for it be close to impossible to see in distances, so villains could use this as an aid for means of escape. These city conditions were the perfect environment for elaborating deaths, murder and mystery to show pure evil. At the beginning we see Mr. Enfield witness the incident of the little girl, and he describes the magnitude of the smog. There was an incredibly strict code of conduct in the Victorian times, with many natural desires being repressed. The seven deadly sins are a perfect example of some of the things that were repressed. These are lust, gluttony, greed, pride, sloth, wrath and envy. The repression of lust was so great that table legs would have been covered at all time. Middle-class men would have been expected to conceal their secret desires, and if they wanted to express them, they would have to do so in darker parts of the city. This can explain Dr.Jekylls desire to transform himself into Hyde, as it would give him a way to release some of his desires and not be discovered doing it. When Stevenson was young, he developed a medical condition that would live with him for the rest of his life. Stevenson was raised by his nurse who extravagantly showed him the divide between good and evil. This troubled him as a young child, giving him terrifying nightmares and tormenting memories through out his life. It is suggestible that the idea of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde came from one of these night mares. With all these troubled thoughts on the topic of good and evil, Stevenson may have developed many different superstitious views of what good and evil were, and therefore written about them in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The Victorian era was a revolutionary time; religion was on the decline and scientific and medical discoveries were growing like never before. This influenced writers such as Mary Shelley. She was the author of Frankenstein; a science fiction horror about a revolutionary experiment that goes wrong. This concept mad scientists getting in deeper than they could handle is one of the main themes in the book. As very few people knew what was possible with this new found phenomenon it would appear as though anything was possible. This was important because the key to a good horror is truth and as no one knew anything about it, no one was in the position to question its reality. It is obvious that the appearances of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are intended to make a distinction between how each character behaves. The smart image of Jekyll is easily contrastable to the primeval image of Hyde. The audience would expect Hyde to dress fairly scruffy when compared to Dr. Jekyll, however we can see him always dressed smart and in a suit, playing of the social context where we would expect eh evil Mr. Hyde to be in shabby tattered clothing Mr. Hyde is described as a short stocky man, leading us to assume him to have deformities of some sort. Mr. Utterson, Dr. Lanyon and Mr. Enfield all describe witnessing something horrifically evil in Mr.Hydes face. It is as though he emits a sense of foreboding to everyone he meets. He is often described as having the characteristics of an animal, suggesting that he has not evolved entirely into a human being. He is infamous for his horrific actions such as trampling over a little girl and for the murder of Sir Danvers Carew, despite this he still appears to hold a civilised manor whilst talking to his associates; however, he still appears to be blunt, rash and eager to avoid convocation.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Etrade Baby Essay Example for Free

Etrade Baby Essay A Talking Infant, Financial Systems, Golf What do a talking baby, stock markets, and golf all have in common? Nothing, right? Wrong. E*Trade – a popular public online financial services group – uses all three of these entities to create a commercial that has had people talking for years. When the commercial is over, you are left in shock at what you just saw, a baby in a high-chair talking about the stock market. But will the ad’s weirdness produce sales of the company’s program for years to come as well? Or just make it a highly talked about YouTube video? To the contrary, E*Trade does a professional job in conveying its message of simplicity to â€Å"average Joes† who are looking to either become day traders, start a retirement fund, or even banking. E*Trade’s main audience is not a person with a net worth or five million dollars. E*Trade is looking to sell their product to â€Å"average joe† type clients. It can be assumed this because E*Trade uses the financial term â€Å"401k† in their commercial; this is the most popular tax investment form everyone has. The main character of the commercial is â€Å"The E*Trade Baby,† but there’s a catch, the baby speaks with a mature older man’s voice. This adds a sense of weirdness to the commercial right off the bat. One may question the validity of a company whose commercials star a talking baby, but this is a clever marketing approach because if people see a talking baby, something they don’t see every day, they will immediately become engaged in the commercial. E*Trade uses a baby as a symbol for inexperience, simplicity and an older man’s voice for knowledge. E*Trade wants to show the audience that if a baby can you use the program, so can the audience. They also want to show knowledge, that E*Trade is a reliable and trusted company, so they use the voice of an older man to portray legitimacy. E*Trade wants to declare that â€Å"Yes, this is a legit company and yes, we’re simple to use,† so a talking baby fits in perfectly to both categories. Just like the Old Spice commercials talked about in class, the E*Trade Baby ads have many spinoffs with numerous situations the baby is in. The commercial I am focusing on is set in a golf country club locker room. The ad starts off with the baby talking to a man named Frank. The baby says â€Å"Ah, this is weak, man. Frank’s trying to not pay me my winnings for the skins beat down I just issued him. † The baby has now caught the attention of the audience with this opening line because people are drawn into the weirdness of a talking baby in the commercial. Now when he starts to talk about finance and what the company actually does, viewers will be already engaged. Not only does the talking baby raise questions that attract us to this ad, but there are many other. For instance, why is a baby playing golf with old man? And why is there a computer in the locker room of a country golf club? All All these questions have no answers but it draws us into the commercial and makes us connected to it, hopefully throughout the commercial we will find answers to these questions, but in this case we do not. E*Trade’s goal is to get a lot of publicity and attention with their commercials while providing us with the smallest amount of information. This is because E*Trade wants people to inquire about the company and have them visit E*Trade’s website us. etrade. com. Once on the website, people will be impressed by the fancy website that proves it is a legitimate company, and lured into signing up for an account The baby says â€Å"His (Frank) 401k’s tankin. Ya gotta grab the reins man. Get E*Trade, do some analytics, do some research (into the stock market), and take charge so I don’t have to subsidize your lack of skills. † There’s actually a lot of information about the company and its message all in that little saying. The E*Trade baby uses a clever balance a financial terms and jokes to put the viewer in an informal setting while talking about a big decision a person must make. E*Trade is not an elite company for only the â€Å"one-percenters† to use. E*Trade’s goal is to get skilled and novice users with just a little amount of money to open an accountant. Using the term 401k is strategically brilliant because everyone who works for a company most likely has one. E*Trade could have used any tax form number, but chose the most popular one to relate to the most people and with the current economy, it’s probably on the minds of most people right now. When the baby says, â€Å"Do some analytics, do some research, and take charge,† he is describing the job of the novice investor. The baby is now describing that when using the E*Trade software, you are able to look at analytical charts and graphs, read news articles and research about potential stock purchases and basically to take charge of your life. E*Trade does not buy and sell stock for you; you have to do it yourself. You are in control of the future and E*Trade presents the question â€Å"What are you going to do to prepare yourself for it? † It’s hard to tell whom is the exact audience E*Trade is trying to promote itself to, but assumptions can be made. Since it is a golf setting in a country club, they are focusing on males anywhere from 20s to 60s (the general range of persons with a 401k). E*Trade did a good job picking a wide range of ages with this advertisement, which is what makes it such a good ad! Since the ad is set in a country club locker room, E*Trade is also advertising to a certain class of people I believe: well educated men who know a think about finance and who play golf. Golf is an expensive sport. I think if you have money to play golf you would be interested and would know the benefits of investing. But are they also advertising to a whole inclusive audience with a cute baby to grab the attentions of mothers and grandmothers? Only the directions and producers know that answer. You can have a good commercial, the best commercial ever known to man. But if you don’t have the right exposure no one will see it. E*Trade played this commercial before and after Superbowl XLII on February 1, 2009. Back to what was said before on the age of the audience, 20s to 60s. That basically sums up the audience of the Superbowl as well; perfect. E*Trade picked the most opportune time to run this commercial and not only reaches its projected audience, but all 90 some odd million people that tune in each year to watch the game, and the commercials. Another part of the commercial that is important to take into consideration is the point of view in which we view the commercial. Since the program E*Trade is used on a computer, the great minds behind this commercial put the camera where a usually webcam should be. This is to provide a visual of where the user of E*Trade’s product will be using the product. This is brilliant because now we see the baby sitting in a chair in front of the computer using a keyboard and a mouse, in the same spot where we would use the program was well. The E*Trade Baby Commercial is trying to sell to their audience a financial services program available to download on the computer. E*Trade does a good job in getting the attention of its viewer and making a hard subject of finance fun and entertaining. E*Trade describes everything that their company’s mission statement says that they are, â€Å"A financial services ompany that is simple to use. Designed with the user in mind. † There is no doubt in my mind that this commercial will go down as a classic and will have people talking about the â€Å"E*Trade baby† for years to come. To respond to the question previously stated in the beginning of this paper. Even though this commercial will be popular for years to come, will the ad produce sales of the company’s program for years to c ome as well? It turns out, no. When a person is looking to invest in money, they normally look for a company that is well-reputable and well-respected. Humor is no doubt, un-debatable, a marketing tool to grab the attention of a viewer, but humor in advertising is very hard to pull off because you simply never know what people will laugh out. Some think it funny, others think it’s not. In order for a commercial to use humor, the company should be trying to sell humor. Clearly E*Trade does not sell humor.. Instead of a talking baby to grab the audience’s attention and provide a laugh, E*Trade should create a well-informative commercial that captures the audience’s attention and show how one can benefit from using E*Trade.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Globalisation Today Throughout The Modern World English Language Essay

Globalisation Today Throughout The Modern World English Language Essay Globalisation means the extending the relationship and broadening interdependence amongst different people from different parts of the world (Daniels, 2007: 6). In todays world the process of globalization has developed to such an extent, that it is argued that there are few companies that operate solely in their domestic market (Kotabe and Helsen, 2008:20). To support the above statement According to Whettingsteel (1999:19) has estimated that 70% of UK companies have business partners outside the domestic market. Apart from that do not actively sell abroad, still face foreign competitors in their own domestic markets. Whereas many domestic oriented companies get there raw materials, components, or labour from abroad (Worthington and Britton, 2006: 368). Further on In business operation management, Manager has to manage conflicts within the organisation but these conflicts are heightened in the management of international operations due to the different national culture of work force. Manager as well as marketer requires the understanding of the consequences or effects of cultural differences of language, religion, value, system, customs, and education in the cross cultural organisation while working or marketing a product. And cultural factors are least tangible but in some ways the most important of the factor which should be taken into account while doing international business (Forrester). According to Czinkota (1996: 298) defines Culture, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ it is an integrated system of learned behaviour pattern that are characteristic of the member of any given society. Whereas it include certain elements such as language, religion, value, attitude, manner and customs, aesthetics, education and social institutions. According to Lee and Carter (2005: 424) agrees and says that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ trust, commitment and communication are a required pre-requisites for the development and maintenance of good rela tionship. Where communication is majorly an indicative of spoken language which is established factors in cross cultural business interaction where language is considered as important key element or factor because other factors such as trust, commitment, cultural affinity, experience etc are accessed through the use of language. According to Swift à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦culture is the door to a market and language is the key to that door. The above statement is supported by Holden (1989: 9-10), à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..Whereas marketers have accepted that language is a facet of culture, they come to find it more productive to see culture as a facet of language. Whereas according to Worlds foremost linguists and literacy scholar George Steiner (1975), à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.the application of the concept of exact science to the study of language is an idealized simile (Holden, 2002: 230). And language provides a bonding to whole process of relationship development of business (Swift, 2000). Due to which it can be said that Foreign language competence is a major component of successful cross-cultural relationship development through which companies are looking for development of international relationship (Swift, 2008: 3). High level foreign language competences can advantage an likely to build up in terms of acquiring a better understanding of foreign business culture which may confer some benefit in selling and negotiation (Clarke, 1997:80). Whereas international business literature on one hand and linguistic literature on the other appears to say very little on the importance of particular language in relation to the international activities of firms and the economic, political, and technological power associated with individual languages (Nigel 1989: 1). Language also has a vital role in process for communicaton. The process of Communication: Model of communication process comes in many forms such as verbal, non-verbal and mathematical. On the other hand regardless of other models forms it share three basic element such as sender, message and receiver (Delozier, 1976: 2). Where sources (Sender) is a person or group of people having a thought to share with some other person or group. For e.g. group of people who are viewed as singular sender or receivers are the United States governments, the internal revenue service. After that Encoding, this is process of putting through into symbolic form which is controlled by sender for e.g. printed or spoken words such as in marketing, a magazine advertisement and television commercials. The next element is channel; it is a way in which messages moves from sender to receiver such as media, Television etc. According to Lasswell (1971: 84), is also known as media analysis. After Channel, Decoding is a next element which is Vice versa of encoding where receiver has to send the transform ing message symbol back into thought. And at last the receiver where person or group with whom the sender share his thoughts for e.g. In marketing, the receives are known as the prospective and present consumers of the firms product (Delozier, 1976: 3). Sources: model of communication process But in the above process of communication the key element of effective communication is encoding and decoding which is very important to understand (Swift, 2008). Because sometimes if the message is not decoded or translate properly to a receiver or if receiver unable to understand the language of the sender then It is not of any use. For e.g. Rural areas in India where any company advertising their produce in English language and most of the rural population is not able to decode it properly then there is a no use of such advertising. Company would directly incur a loss. According to Miller (1963: 7) says that, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..if the people communicating are unfamiliar with the code or if they are unable to distinguish amongst the symbols, errors become likely. Sometimes within the same language the same thing can occur such as technical and professional jargon, where language is understood by people working in the industry but appearing meaningless to an outsider, even if the outsider is speaking the same language. So it is clear that encoding and decoding process must work within same culture context or frame work (Swift, 2008). So In the process of communication language plays a vital role in market which includes Verbal communication as well as Non Verbal communication. Where verbal language is divided into written or spoken language in four main areas such as: Syntax (rules of sentence formation), semantics (System of meaning), phonology (systems of sound patterns) and word morphology (word formation) (Keegan and Green, 2005: 126). And Non Verbal communication is an oldest method of communication where no oral or written language and body language was the sole means of communication (Bolton, 1979:78). It includes Kinesics (gestures, touching, liking, conviction, emotions etc) and Proxemics (personal space and territory) (Swift, 2008: 45). It is communication process plays a vital role in marketing such as while informing, pe rsuading and negotiation. According to Clarke and Wilson (2009), says that language is considered as an important tool for marketer on the bases of three different factors which are explained in detail as follow: Informing: For a Marketer it is important to keep in mind while informing about the product in particular country should use a local language or translate. There is an good example based on informing and selling of product said by Germany, s ex- chancellor, Willy Brandt: When I come to sell to you in England, then I will speak in English but when you come to sell to me in Germany then you must speak German (Weber, 1989: 159). An example of information provided on the bases of language such as marketing done in India where information are provided in form of verbal language and non verbal language of communication such as a TATA product i.e. Tata sky DTH and Airtel product i.e. dish TV. In their following advertisement such as In Tata sky DTH advertisement are based on the informing about the product in technical ways by using the brand ambassador of Bollywood actor Aamir Khan who is known as a perfectionist in the entire bollywood industry. His advertisement is based on verbal communication wer e the words spoken from an actor indicating directly about the product. The punch line is Isko laga dala toh life Jhinga la la where as Airtel product i.e. Dish TV advertisement are based on emotional factors while informing the people about the product by using emotional guesters such as old couple love story. Their brand ambassador Shahrukh Khan who is known as the King of Emotional Drama in entire industry of enterainment. Where in his advertisement the emotional factor, body language, guesters etc were use to indicate about the product to people. And the punch line of Dish TV is ghar aayi zindagi which means it bought new life to your house it indicates emotions. So as he know India has an High context Culture factor where the emotional part such as gestures compare to Low context culture for countries such as America where clear communication modes (Kotabe and Helsen, 2007: 127).But sometimes while informing about the product the marketer need to keep in mind about the use of p roper language such as In United Kingdom the snickers bars were sold under the brand name of Marathon because they felt the name was too close to the English idiom for female Lingerie (Knickers) (Kotabe and Helsen, 2007:115). Whereas in Middle East countries, are male dominated countries where if any gestures used while informing about the product should be respectful because mixing men and women in focus group is prohibited in Saudi Arabia and if the advertisement are related to women they should be shown with total respect on television cameras . Where in China, marketer should keep in mind while informing about product to the people such Book which pronounced as Shu which sounds as I hope you loose and the word Clock pronounced as Zhong which sounds as death. Persuasion: According to Austin, Persuasion is the communication act that carries out both these goals such as an audience that has been persuaded has understood an expression or utterance and other one believes its message (Tailard, 2000:145). Persuading someone is like performing an act (roughly that of affecting someones belief or desires) using some form of communication usually language (Tailard, 2000: 146). And the word To persuade is typically given as one of the first example of Perlocutionary by speech act theorists for e.g. Locutionary act: which means saying something such as young woman holds up a bottle of Coca-Cola and shouts Coke is the real thing in front of Television camera. Illocutionary act: are performed in saying something such as a young woman is shouting Coke is a real thing where she asserted that a product called Coke is the real thing. Perlocutionary act: are performed by saying something such as a young woman shouting Coke is the real thing where she is persuaded millions of television viewers around the world that drinking coke is a worldwide experience (Austin, 1962:102). According to (ibid: 101) says that At the end the effect of Perlocutionary acts as major effect upon the feeling, thoughts, or act of the audience or of the people or of the speaker which is an comes under non-verbal communication. Where there should be proper use of language consider the market of particular country while advertising about the product. Negotiation: A process through which parties move from their initially divergent positions to a point where agreement may be reached (Steele and Beasor, 2007:3). Whereas According to Cellich (2004: 25), the concept of negotiation is interpreted differently from one culture to another for e.g. In U.S. negotiation is a mechanical exercise of offers and counter offers that leads to a deal which is cut and dry method of arriving at an agreement whereas in Japan, negotiation is sharing information and developing a relationship that may lead to deal. Sometimes negotiation style used so effectively that domestically it can be inappropriate while dealing with people from other cultural background. Indeed it can be more harmful than gaining (Gulbro and Herbid, 1995: 4). In some countries such as Greek sees contract as a formal statement, announcing the intention to build a business for the future and the negotiation is completed on when work is accomplished. Where as In China, approach is rather to establish a negotiating process based on human relationship and often dependent on nature and concern of creating a bonding of friendship (Drew and Herbig, 1997: 20). According to Petcher (1992: 47) says that, there are four aspects of culture are especially important in negotiating well such as spoken language, body language, attitude towards time and attitude towards contracts. There is an example based on above statement which negotiation between American and Japanese , where the same spoken word can have three different meanings and direct refusal are considered as impolite. Sometimes words used by Japanese are does not have the same thing to an American or European such as words like difficult and it will take some time means no. and not even the body language is same such as in Japanese audibly sucking air through their teeth means they are feeling pressured and where as hearty handshake convey the sincerity in New York and London which make Asian Uncomfortable (Cellieh, 2004: 12). According to Turnbull and Welham says that the ability of communicate with a buyer in his own language leads to a lowering of the psycho social barrier to interaction. Whereas a Psychological disadvantage to the buyer of having to negotiate in foreign language which can be barrier to an socialization. And native language use can reduce the feeling of isolation and encourage developing more positive attitude towards foreign negotiator (Swift, 1991:44). To support this above statement there is an example given by Swift (1991:44), where an export sales executive working in Spanish market where he experienced the psychological disadvantage. He explained I am aware that sometimes they (Spanish people or suppliers) revert to their own language just to get an idea and while negotiating in English they talk between themselves in their native language. Role of Foreign Language in market: For achieving the success in foreign market it is necessary to communicate effectively with foreign customers or business partners (Swift, 2008: 81). And also for an marketer its an importance thing to understand or to speak according to local language due to which people can understand the language of marketer For e.g. In India today also 72% of Indian population lives in rural areas (Haub and Sharma, 2006).where they are not able to understand business language but its necessary for an marketer to speak in local language or national language of India to promote or want to sell their product to customer. Its like a marketer has to Think locally and act globally. And also according to Swift (1991: 36), one should accept to speak in customers language to do well in international market. To support the statement of Swift there is an example such as British companies will still need to speak the language of consumers in the countries where they trade. (Hurn, 2009: 303). And there is one more example such as at time difficulties faced by foreigners while doing the business with Italy when they assume that italian business culture is similar to France or Germany. But there culture is greatly dependent on contract fo which knowledge of the language is so vital for an marketer (Swift, 1991:43). English is considered as international business language for communication in any part of the world (MacDonald and Cook, 1998: 216). And According to Britannica World Data Book, (1992) it is said that 69 countries designated English as an official language. whereas in many Multinational companies in Europe such as Nestle , Erickson etc have considered English as their common business language for their internal communication (Kameda, 2000: 204) and also there is an example of internal communication where it was considered strictly by company called Asea Brown Boveri Group an Swiss multinational company where they made English as an official language for high level meeting, send letters to colleagues who stays in Sweden written in English said by CEO and Chairman Mr. Barnevic ( Taylor, 1991: 92). Apart from English, Other language should also be given importance in foreign market while entering into a business with particular country because According to European Commission (2005) say s that, Language Skills will be important in achieving European policy goals, particularly against a background of increasing global competition. Due to which some companies are making their staff to learn different types of languages which is most commonly used in market. There is an e.g. (ELAN) where Top 10 languages in which firms are training in their staff from last three year. There is a diagram which indicates that how much other language is given importance (ELAN report, 2006:1-2). From the above pie Chart indicate the top 10 languages in which firms have trained there staff in last 3 years. Where English (25%) have been an major Language which id followed by Germany, French, Italian, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, Portuguese, Danish, Estonia and other Language (ELAN Report, 2006). There is an example why companies are giving importance to other language as well such an Irish Exporter where two-third (62.5%) of Irish export are sold to customers whos native language is not English and it important that ability to communicate effectively in language other English should be a concern to Irish companies (Clarke, 1997:82). Language barrier: Holder (1989: 3), suggested that lack of understanding of the social and cognitive dimensions of language can be as important as the inability to understand the formal linguistic system.

Loss: Hamlet’s Emotional Connection Tool Essay examples -- Literary An

The Tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark by William Shakespeare is about a young man who is returning from his studies to mourn the death of his father. During this time he is visited by the ghost of his father and asked to avenge a â€Å"Murder most foul† (Shakespeare 1.5.33). In the play of Hamlet, we can recognize at least one element that has embroidered itself into the very fabric of modern literature: this element of particular importance is the protagonist’s ability to appeal to every viewer emotionally. In the play, the viewer develops emotional links with Hamlet following the many losses he or she witnesses, such as the loss of family, the loss of his childhood friends, the loss of trust in the world and ultimately the loss of innocence. The first loss we encounter is the loss of family; Hamlet arrives in Denmark to mourn the loss of his father. The loss of a parent affects many people very deeply, giving them in a sense of insecurity and complete sorrow. In the first scene with Hamlet, he is dressed all in black and speaks of the turmoil he feels: â€Å"O, That this too too solid flesh would melt, Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew† (1.2.133-134) This very vivid description adequately expresses the feelings experienced in times of loss. Hamlet is feeling alone now that his father is gone and his mother seems to have hastily moved on and he makes note of this in his first soliloquy: â€Å"O God, a beast that wants discourse of reason Would have mourn'd longer - married with my uncle†(1.2.154-155) Children often have difficulty with their parents remarrying following the death of the other parent. Christina Gregoire writes in her article concerning the impact of remarriage on adult children (older than eighteen), that a parent remarryi... ...changed and â€Å"The rest is silence† (5.2.395) Works Cited Bud. â€Å"Losing a Best Friend,† A Boundless World. 15 Sept. 2009. Web. 17 Jan. 2011. â€Å"Friendship or Betrayal.† 10 Apr. 2007. Web. 17 Jan 2011 Gregoire, Christina. â€Å"Adult Children of Divorce and New Step Parents,† Suite101. 25 Dec. 2009. Web. 17 Jan. 2011. â€Å"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends†. Web. 17 Jan. 2011. Schneider, Arthur J. â€Å"Adult Children of Divorce and New Step Parents,† University of Missouri Extension. 2009. Web. 17 Jan. 2011. Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. Ed. Barbara A. Mowat and Paul Werstine. New York: Washington Square- Pocket 1992. Print. Yager, Jan. â€Å"6 Types of Toxic Friends and How You Can Deal with Them,† iVillage Health. 25 Feb. 2003. Web. 17 Jan. 2011.

Monday, August 19, 2019

W and R toilet makes are thinking of expanding by becoming PRIVATE :: Business and Management Studies

W and R toilet makes are thinking of expanding by becoming PRIVATE LIMITED CO (LTD) evaluate this decision. I think that W and R should become a PLC because there are a lot of advantages to them there must be at least two shareholders and there MUST be at least one director while this is good that their only has to at least two people shares cannot just be transferred freely, their must be some kind of agreement with the other shareholders so if you have the majority rule it wont work her as everyone must agree. They are easy to set up they mainly have the flexibility of a sole trader and a partnership but without the risks of unlimited liability. Small private companies if successful can raise capital more easily the liability makes people want to invest in the company more and its easier for it to borrow money as sole traders and partnerships often find this very hard. One of the key advantages is that the business will not come seize if one of the partners (owners) decide to pull out as the owners can choose who they want to sell their products to (shareholders). But there are a few disadvantages but compared to a sole partnership or trader much less, people might be unwilling to buy shares, there is more control over how the business is run and it can sometimes be very hard for shareholders to get their money back when they want but its much less risky. Ed wood ltd needs to raise a very large amount of capital to build a new factory. It is thinking of becoming a PLC. Analyze this decision. Public companies must start out with at least 50,000 pounds there must be at least 7 shareholders but only 2 are needed to sign a Memorandum of Association and shares are sold to the public. Anyone can come and inspect the shares, but at the same time shareholders who want their money back can simply just sell their shares back to the stock market. This makes people more willing to invest, large amounts of capital can be gathered from just one organization large companies can be formed but there is also a lot of competition. Nevertheless you are also able to benefit from other companies from and from their economies of sale. Banks are also willing to give loans to companies who have a large share capital. Shareholders might not have very much power of have very little influence and public companies are controlled by the law but in a public company you can check up on your stock and the

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Toni Morrison Essay example -- Biography Toni Morrison Author Essays

Toni Morrison In the mid twentieth century, the Civil Rights Movement influenced African-American writers to express their opinions. Most African-American writers of the time discussed racism in America and social injustice. Some authors sought to teach how the institution of slavery affected those who lived through it and African-Americans who were living at the time. One of these writers was the Toni Morrison, the novelist, who intended to teach people about all aspects of African-American life present and past. In Beloved like all of her novels, Toni Morrison used vivid language, imagery, and realism to reveal the interior life of slavery and its vestiges which remained in African- American life. Toni Morrison was born Chloe Anthony Wofford on February 18,1931 in Lorain, Ohio to George and Ramah Willis Wofford. She was the second of four children. Her parents influenced her writing because of their contrasting views. Her father had a very pessimistic view of hope for his people; however, her mother had a more positive belief that a person, with effort, could rise above African-Americans’ current surroundings (Carmean 1-2). Her parents also influenced her because they were â€Å"gifted storytellers who taught their children the value of family history and the vitality of language†(Carmean 2). Toni Morrison graduated with honors from Lorain High School. She went to Howard University where she majored in English Literature. While at Howard, she changed her name from Chloe to Toni. Toni Morrison went to graduate school at Cornell University. She earned a Bachelor’s degree from Howard and a Master’s degree from Cornell. Toni Morrison met Harold Morrison, her husband, at Howard University where he was an architect student. Toni Morrison and Harold Morrison later divorced. Though they had two sons. Their first son was Harold Ford. Slade Morrison, their second son, helps Toni Morrison in her writing of children’s books. Toni Morrison has held many jobs as a writer, teacher, and an editor. As a teacher, she taught general composition and literature classes at Howard University. Some of her students at Howard were Houston Baker and Claude Brown. At Yale University, Toni Morrison taught creative writing and African-American literature. As an editor, she worked as senior editor at Random House in New York City. She worked her way up to that position from... ...using realism and vivid language. â€Å" Morrison had cast a new perspectives on the nation’s past and even suggests- though makes no promise- that people of strength and courage may be able to achieve a somewhat less destructive future† (Bakerman 173). Works Cited Bakerman, Jane S. â€Å"Toni Morrison.† American Women Writers. Taryn Benbow-Pfalzgrat. 2nd ed. Vol. 3. Detroit, MI: St. James Press, 2000.172-174. Carmean, Karen. Toni Morrison’s World of Fiction. Troy, NY: Whitston Publishing Company, 1993. 81-100. Johnson, Anne Janette. â€Å"Toni Morrison.† Black Contemporary Authors; A Selection from Contemporary Authors. Eds. Linda Metzger, et al. Detroit, MI: Gale Research, Inc., 1989.411-416. Mobley, Marilyn Sanders. â€Å" Toni Morrison.† The Oxford Companion to African American Literature. Eds. William L. Andrews, Frances Smith, and Trudier Harris. New York: Oxford UP, 1997.508-510. â€Å"Toni Morrison.† Literature Resource Center. Feb. 2004. Gale Group. 8 Apr. 2004. Toni Morrison Uncensored. DVD. Films for the Humanities and Sciences, 2003. â€Å"Works of Toni Morrison.† Big Chalk Library. Jan 1990. Big Chalk. 8 Apr. 2004.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Charles Dickens Essay

Thomas Hardy was a 19th century novelist and a 20th century poet. As a novelist, he was last of the great Victorian novelists such as William Thackeray, Charlotte and Emily Bronte, Charles Dickens and George Eliot. The last decade of the 19th century was dominated by Thomas Hardy. He wrote 14 novels and almost 900 poems. Hardy’s reputation as a novelist grew during the last decades of of his life and his poetry was relatively neglected. His novels share a pessimist view of the human condition and life. Pessimism is derived from the Latin word ‘Pessimism’ (worst). It is based on a belief that the world is the worst possible and that things are bad and tend to become worse. Thomas Hardy worked out a pessimist theory of his own according to which man is just a puppet in the hands of an inscrutable and malicious force which governs the world and seems to enjoy inflicting endless sufferings. The fact that Hardy resented being called a pessimist is no reason why should not be thus described. Hardy was the painter of darker side of life as it was no wonder if people charge him of ‘pessimist’. The opinion is both right and wrong in this context. In fact, there are some factors that compel us to believe him a pessimist. He was hyper-sensitive, his own life was tragic and gloomy. For a speculative soul, this world is a thorny field. Thomas Hardy captured the heartbeat of the rural English people against the looming backdrop of encroaching industrialism. His novels have a genuine, almost autobiographical feel because he used many personal experiences, acquaintances, settings and opinions in his fiction. Thomas Hardy’s pessimism also represents actual events. Relationships and social issues of Hardy’s life. Hardy’s fatalism and pessimism began to manifest itself in his early childhood, as he was the result of an unplanned pregnancy, and then later in his youth, when his family could not afford to fund a full education. As he grew into adulthood, Hardy began to feel acutely the line drawn between him and those of a higher class. His despairing relationships with two women, his cousin Tryphena Sparksand his first wife, Emma Lavinia Gifford, were the inspiration for the futile plotlines of his three novels. Because of the harsh society in which he lived, his lack of money, two unhappy relationships, and the failure of his last two novels to be accepted by his readers; (due to their anti-marriage, anti-social and anti-religious material), Thomas Hardy emerged as a pessimistic novelist and poet of the 19th century. Because of autobiographical touch in his novels, some of the Hardy’s heroes and even heroines adopt his personal qualities and go through some of the same life situations that he did. Additionally, many of the Hardy’s female characters are extremely similar to the lovers and friends he had throughout his life. Hardy personally felt the crushing pressure of the Victorian society, namely its rules and regulations concerning love and marriage. Hardy, and therefore, his characters often rebel against this society, making decisions that contradict the expectation of their society. Many times, Hardy felt that he was an outcast in his society, partly because his religious beliefs did not match up with the church’s, but also because his social thoughts and actions were more progressive than his counterparts. After experiencing years of disagreement with the England of the 1800 s and having a marked desire for progression, Hardy became understandably morose. His novels became increasingly dismal and pessimistic and it is for this fatalistic tone that he is greatly remembered. The Victorian age was an age of doubt, of contradictions and conflicts. This fact too shows its impact on the writing of Hardy. People were to live by the Bible but many took it in the strict sense and followed the literal words strictly we see in ‘Tess of the D’Urbervilles’ how Tess is treated unjustly by the society, which followed the law in words and not in spirit. The gloomy effect of his age plays an important role in his writings. Doubts, despair, disbelief, frustration, industrial revolution, disintegration of old social and economic structure, Darwin’s theory of evolution were gthe chief characteristics of that age. All these factors probe deep into his writings, and heighten the somber , melancholic and tragic vision. His pessimism is also the outcome of the impressions that he receives from villager’s life. There were plenty of tragedies in the life of the poverty stricken Wessen folk, as shown in this novel ‘Tess of D’Urbervilles’. Hardy’s philosophy of the human condition is determined by his natural temper and disposition, He says: â€Å"A man’s Philosophy of life is an instinctive, temperamental matter. † Hardy, practically, excludes from his writings the sense of splendour and beauty of human life completely. Tess’ life is totally devoid of even a single moment of happiness.